Board of Education Badger ISD 676/ December 20, 2023
Minutes of School Board Work Session
Board of Education Badger ISD 676
PO Box 68, 110 Carpenter Avenue East, Badger, Minnesota 56714
School Board Work Session
Wednesday, December 20, 2023 6:00 PM
in the Business & Tech Room 29
Badger School Board Meeting information can be found online at our website:
Click on “Badger School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes” under the “Helpful Links” menu located on the center of the home page.
1. Call to Order at 6:11 P.M.
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Jeramy Swenson, and Jared VonEnde.
Attending virtually from a remote location:
Cari Dostal, Clerk of Badger School Board
22935 County Road 111
Badger, MN 56714
5 out of 6 in-person attendance and 1 out of 6 remote location virtual attendance.
Student (non-voting) Representative: Open for SY2023-24
1.3. School Employees in Attendance:
Kevin Ricke and Leah Hasson
1.4. Other People in Attendance: Attending virtually from a remote location:
Matt Rantapaa, Senior Vice President
Baird Public Finance
7755 3rd Street North, Suite 400
Saint Paul, MN 55128
Attending virtually from a remote location:
Jason Splett, Project Dev. Manager with ICS
104 Park Avenue North, Suite 104
Park Rapids, MN 56470
2. Facilities Financing Scenarios & Operational Budget Forecasting for Badger ISD 676
Virtual Remote Presenter: Matt Rantapaa, Senior VP, R.W. Baird & Co.
Attachment: ISD 676 Work Session Presentation 122023 v7 for Board Book
3. Discussion of Phase I Continuation
Virtual Remote Consult Available, if needed: Jason Splett of ICS
** The above portion completed by 7:58 P.M. **
4. Begin discussion about adjustments in curriculum, programs, and staff for the following school year, if needed
(i.e., budgets & personnel)
5. Adjourn: Recommended motion: Member Isane moved to adjourn at 9:45 P.M. The motion seconded by Member VonEnde. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C. = motion carried unanimously.
Cari Dostal, Clerk
Jamie Isane, Chairperson
Communications/Upcoming Meetings:
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
6:00 PM Board Work Session
Monday, January 8, 2024
7:30 PM Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Badger School Board Meeting information can be found online at our website:
Click on “Badger School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes” under the “Helpful Links” menu located on the center of the home page.
(January 17, 2024)
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