Tri-County School Board (Karlstad, Minn.) Proceedings December 20, 2023
Tri-County School District ISO #2358
Regular Board of Education Meeting
December 20, 2023
Tri-County School Library
Karlstad, Minnesota
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Murray at 6:30 PM.
A quorum was determined.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Members present were:
Burkel, Hanson, Koland, Murray, Olson, Absent: Oliver, Sollund
Also present/ Superintendent Muckenhirn
Truth in Taxation Hearing
023 Payable 2024 Truth in Taxation School Tax Levy.
Setting the Agenda
Motion by Burkel, second by Hanson to approve the Regular School Board Agenda for December 20, 2023 as presented. Motion passed
Action on Previous Minutes
Motion by Burkel, second by Koland to approve the previous Regular School Board Minutes for November 15, 2023 as presented. Motion passed
Pay Claims : Description:
01 GENERAL $51,406.62 $80,171.76
02 FOOD SERVICE $12,163.67 $16,065.70
07 DEBT REDEMPTION $125,725.00 $116,825.00
21 STUDENT ACTIVITIES $4,048.81 $1,311.30
TOTAL $193,372.93 $214,373.76
Motion made by Koland, seconded by Olson to authorize payment for claims in the funds as presented for $193,372.93.
Motion passed
New Business
a. 2022-2023 Financial Audit Report - Brady Martz
b. World’s Best Workforce Summary
c. Personnel
One Act Play
Motion by Hanson seconded by Burkel to hire Jennifer Klegstad as the One Act Play Assistant Director. Motion passed
The position will be assigned to paraprofessional duties in the Headstart Program.
Motion by Hanson seconded by Koland to approve hire of Kendra Hays as paraprofessional. Motion passed
Leave of Absence Request
VPK Senior Lead Paraprofessional, Jaelyn Billings, requesting leave of absence starting approximately April 23, 2024 to end 2023-2024 VPK Term.
Motion by Burkel seconded by Olson to approve Leave of Absence request from Jaelyn Billings. Motion passed
Assign Temporary Dean of Students
Ann Thompson will serve as Temporary Dean of StudentsStarting approximately Jan. 2, 2024, to March 30, 2024.
Motion by Burkel seconded by Murray to approve Ann Thompson as temporary Dean of Students, assignment per agreement. Motion passed
Retirement Resignation
Motion by Murray seconded by Koland to accept the resignation due to retirement from Kristina Hagen, effective per Letter of Resignation. Motion passed
d. Procedures and Payment Schedule:
The Board will set the mileage reimbursement rate for pre approval travel. Reimbursement rates for meals per person for pre approved travel.
In State Out of State
Breakfast $13.00 $15.00
Lunch $16.00 $20.00
Dinner $23.00 $30.00
Motion by Murray seconded by Burkel to approve the District mileage reimbursement rate of 65.5 cent per mile and the meal reimbursement allowance as presented.
Motion by Koland seconded by Murray to adopt the 2023 Payable 2024 School Tax Levy in the amount of $1,076, 181.23. The amount represents an overall school tax levy for Payable 2023 increasing by $41,075.74 or 3.9% over the previous year.
Adoption of revised 2023-2024 Estimated School Budget
Motion by Hanson seconded by Burkel to adopt the revised 2023-2024 estimated school budget as presented.
Annual Resolution to Combine Polling Places
Required by law passed during the 2017 Legislative Session. If the Board chooses to run an election(i.e. Bond Facility), the School District is responsible for all cost aspects ( process, election equipment, election judges, protocol) of the election ..
Note: A resolution similar to this model resolution must be adopted by December31 of each year, and the combined polling places specified shall be the combined polling places for the calendar year.
Board MemberHanson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IS RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 2358 State of Minnesota, as follows:
1. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 205A.11, the precincts and polling places for school district elections are those precincts or parts of precincts located within the boundaries of the school district which have been established by the cities or towns located in whole or in part .within the school district. The board hereby confirms those precincts and polling places so established by those municipalities.
2. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 205A.11, the board may establish a combined polling place for several precincts for school district elections not held on the day of a statewide election. Each combined polling place must be a polling place that has been designated by a county or municipality. The following combined polling places are established to serve the precincts specified for all school district special and general elections not held on the same day as a statewide election:
Combined Polling Place: Karlstad Community Center 104 Main Street Karlstad, MN 56732.
“This combined polling place serves all territory in Independent School District No. 2358, located in the City of Strandquist; and Augsburg, East Park, Lincoln, Nelson Park, New Maine, West Valley, Wright, and Huntly townships of Marshall County, Minnesota. This combined polling place serves all territory in the ISD 2358 located in the cities of Halma, Karlstad, and Lake Bronson; and Arveson, Davis, Deerwood, Springbrook, Hazelton, Klondike, Norway, Pelan, Percy, Jupiter, and Tegner townships; Kittson County, Minnesota.
3. Pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section 205A.09, the polling places will open for voting for school district elections not held on the same day
as a statewide election between the hours of 7:00 o’clock a.m. and 8:00 o’clock p.m.
4. The clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the county auditors of each of the counties in which the school district is located, in whole or in part, within thirty (30) days after its adoption.
5. As required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 204B.16, Subdivision 1 a, the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give written notice of new polling place locations to each affected household with at least one registered voter in the school district whose school district polling place location has been changed. The notice must be a non-forwardable notice mailed at least twenty-five (25) days before the date of the first election to which it will apply. A notice that is returned as undeliverable must be forwarded immediately to the appropriate county auditor, who shall change the registrant’s status to “challenged” in the stateside registration system.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing solution was duly seconded by Board Member Murray and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Burkel, Olson, Murray, Koland, Hanson
And the following voted against the same: None
Whereupon said resolution was declared Passed and Adopted.
Reports and Information
A. Principal - Device collection and Update, January Professional Development, READ Act, other.
B. Superintendent - Financial Planning Update, Board Book, MREA Legislative Platform, MSBA
Legislative Platform, COVID information, January Organizational Meeting
C. Boards
2.Region I
4.GMRTC Joint Powers Board
5. School Board Committees
Motion by Koland, seconded by Burkel to Adjourn. Motion passed
Next Reorganizational Meeting and Regular Meeting: Wednesday, January 17, 2024, at 6:30 pm at Tri-County School Library in Karlstad, Minnesota .
Respectfully by Mark Koland, Clerk
/s/ Mark Koland
(February 14, 2024)
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