Board of Education Badger ISD 676/Regular Meeting Monday, August 14, 2023
Board of Education Badger ISD 676
PO Box 68, 110 Carpenter Avenue East,
Badger, Minnesota 56714
Regular Meeting
Monday, August 14, 2023 7:30 PM
Badger School Board Meeting information can be found online at our website:
Click on “Badger School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes” under the “Helpful Links” menu located on the center of the home page.
1. Call to Order at 7:38 P.M.
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Jeramy Swenson and
Jared VonEnde. 6 out of 6 in attendance.
1.3. Administration and Department Heads: Kevin Ricke, Leah Hasson, Jody Randall and Stacey Warne in attendance; Absent: Striker Hasson
2. Visitor Comments – None
Visitors Present in Attendance (alphabetical order): Ryan Bergeron, Dan Carpenter, Sara Carpenter,
Lisa Erickson, Angela Monsrud, Sherri Kukowski and Jerry Wilhelmi
2.1. Listening Session – None
3. Recommendation to remove items to the agenda from Board Members or School Administrators
Add 7.9 Communication received exploring the possibility of making an E.M.R. (Emergency Medical Responder) –
E.M.T. (Emergency Medical Technician) elective course opportunity available
Remove 8.2
Table Agenda Items 9.6 and 9.12
4. Approval of Agenda
4.1. A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve the agenda for the Monday, August 14, 2023 Regular School
Board Meeting as amended. The motion seconded by Member VonEnde. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote;
U.C. = motion carried unanimously.
5. Minutes
5.1. A motion was made by Member Olson to approve the minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, July 10, 2023 as presented. The motion seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C.
Attachments: (2)
5.2. A motion was made by Member Davy to approve the minutes of the Board Work Session held on Thursday, July 13,
2023 as presented. The motion seconded by Member Swenson. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C.
Attachments: (2)
6. Consent Agenda
6.1. Pay Bills: A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve the payment of bills check #63010 through check
#63080 for a total of $109,237.73 as listed as well as approve Purchasing Card electronic payments dated August 14, 2023 and Electronic Fund Transfers as submitted. The motion seconded by Member Davy. Discussion (amend Agenda total to be the same as amended Check Register attachment total);
6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C. Attachments: (6)
6.2. Approve Joint Sports Billing (1 of 2): A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve the Joint Sports Billing from Badger to Greenbush-Middle River (GMR) as present. The motion seconded by Member VonEnde.
Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C. Attachment: (1)
Description: Joint Sports Billing (2 of 2) to be received from GMR to Badger is still pending.
6.3. Accept Paraprofessional Resignation: A motion was made by Member Olson to accept the resignation/retirement announcement of Renee Rhen, Elementary Title I Paraprofessional, with last day of employment being Friday, May 26, 2023. The motion seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C.
Description: Sincere thank you for 20+ years of service. Attachment: (1)
7. Communications
7.1. Building and Grounds Report: Striker Hasson not in attendance
7.2. Shared School Social Worker Services for SY2023-2024 between Badger School and Greenbush-Middle River School continues unchanged as the same as the previous SY2022-2023. Attachment: (1)
Description: Badger 60% = Tuesdays + Wednesdays + Fridays; GMR 40% = Mondays + Thursdays
7.3. Independent Auditor Team from Brady Martz & Associates, Thief River Fall, MN Office, is scheduled to be here on site August 21-22, 2023
7.4. Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) Summer Leadership Seminar August 6-7, 2023 at Minneapolis Marriott Northwest, Brooklyn Park
Description: Thank you Clerk Cari Dostal, Treasurer Jodie Davy and Supt. Kevin Ricke for attending.
7.5. Bus & Type III Driver Safety Review Annual Training
Description: Two different onsite options for the Annual Driver Safety Review:
Night of Wed., Sept.13 at Greenbush-Middle River HS (2 hour session)
Night of Wed., Sept. 20 at Badger HS (2 hour session)
7.6. Paraprofessional Trainings and Other Opportunities Attachments: (2)
Description: Regional Paraprofessional Workshop sponsored by Northwest Service Cooperative
(NWSC) to be held Thursday, August 24, 2023 | 9:00 a.m. – Noon; virtual attend remotely
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (Initial first-time CPI Training) sponsored by Northwest Inter-District Regional Council (NWRIC) to be held: Tues., Aug. 15 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.;
Wed., Aug. 16 from 8 a.m. to Noon
Refresher Training for returning Badger employees is 1 p.m. Tues., Aug. 29
7.7. Superintendent
7.7.a. Miscellaneous Items to Report by Superintendent Attachments: (4)
7.8. Dean of Students
7.8.a. Dates of Interest Attachment: (1)
7.9. Communication received exploring the possibility of making an E.M.R. (Emergency Medical Responder) – E.M.T.
(Emergency Medical Technician) elective course opportunity available to juniors and seniors from Brittany Burkel (Greenbush-Middle River School) and James Dinsch (LifeCare Medical Center)
8. Reports
8.1. Accept Cash Report: A motion was made by Member Swenson to accept the Cash Report through July 31, 2023, subject to audit. The motion seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C.
Attachment: (1)
8.2. No Donations Recorded in July Accept July Donations (THANK YOU):
9. Proposed Resolutions
9.1. Award Milk Bid: A motion was made by Member VonEnde to award Prairie Farms the Milk Bid for 2023-2024 academic year. The motion seconded by Member Davy. Discussion (like-for-like price comparisons); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C. Attachments: (3)
Description: 3 bid submissions reviewed (listed in alphabetical order): Cass Clay, Prairie Farms and US FOODS
9.2. Set School Meal Prices for SY2023-2024: A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve $2.25 for Adult Breakfast and $4.95 for Adult Lunch (same as last year, no change); all students will receive free breakfasts and free lunches; ala carte pricing (same as last year, no change) as listed below. The motion seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C.
Description: With the initiation of the ‘Free School Meals for Kids Program,’ all students will receive
free breakfasts and lunches. Any ‘Ala carte’ items like a second milk or second entrée are not free; therefore, prices for these ala carte items needs to be set.
Breakfast Lunch
Regular Reduced Regular Reduced
Elementary FY 24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Secondary FY 24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Extra Milk $0.35 $0.35 $0.35 $0.35
The Badger School follows the minimum adult meal price guidelines set forth by the Food and Nutrition Program at the Minnesota Department of Education.
Adult FY 24 $2.25 $4.95
Second (All) $0.90 $0.90 $1.10 $1.10
Entrée FY 24
Milk Extra $0.35
Families are strongly encouraged to submit application forms that are available at the school office to see if they may qualify for free or reduced meals.
9.3. Set Substitute Teacher Rate of Pay: A motion was made by Member Davy to approve $90 per half-day and $150 per full-day for substitute teacher pay rates for SY2023-2024. The motion seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C. Attachment: (1)
Description: Rates of substitute teacher pay using shared data among forty-three area schools from the previous
SY2022-2023: $145.45 is the mean (average) and $140.00 is the mode $140.00 is the median; the highest is $200 (three schools) and lowest is $125 (six schools); 28 of 43 schools at or above the median; 15 (including Badger) below the median.
Badger’s rate of pay was $75 per half-day and $125 per full-day during SY2022-2023 and has remained unchanged for several years.
The recommendation is to increase Badger School Substitute Teacher Rates of Pay to $90 per half-day and $150 per full-day.
9.4. Set Hourly Rate of Pay for Trained School Office Substitute (either short call or long term): A motion was made by Member Dostal to approve an hourly rate of pay of $18.75 per hour for the SY2023-2024. The motion seconded by Member Davy. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C.
Description: Request for Office Substitute to be approved in advance as needed.
Recommendation for current FY 24 Set the hourly rate same as the substitute teacher hourly rate
(based on newly approved Agenda Item #9.3 amount). $150 daily rate divided by 8 hours per office day = $18.75 per hour
Previous FY 23 Approved $17.25 hourly rate of pay for Trained School Office Substitute at
Regular School Board Meeting held on August 8, 2022 (Agenda Item 9.14) which expired June 30, 2023. $17.25 = $125 divided by 7.25 hours per school day.
9.5. Math Teacher Grades 7-12 (first 1 of 2 readings): A motion was made by Member VonEnde to approve a one-year
‘Rehired, Retired Teacher Agreement’ and ‘Return-to-Work Agreement’ contract with Sherri Kukowski for school year 2023-2024 as a Secondary Mathematics Teacher contingent upon complying with IRS tax code and the Badger Education Association of Teachers (BEA) proof-reading as amended. The motion seconded by Member Davy. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C. Attachments: (5)
Description: The attachment was prepared in collaboration with the Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) Legal Policy Services for a ‘Rehired, Retired Teacher Agreement’ that complies with the Minnesota Teacher Retirement Association (TRA) ‘Return-to-Work Agreement’ requirements.
9.6. Tabled Jr. High/High School Special Education Paraprofessional Approval for Hire:
9.7. Elementary Title One Paraprofessional: A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve the hire of Alyssa
Pulczinski for school year 2023-2024 as a regular part-time 7.25 paid hours per school day Elementary Title One Paraprofessional contingent upon completion of pre-employment criminal history background check. Pay Scale placement would be Step 6 or $16.05 per hour. The motion seconded by Member Olson. Discussion (none);
6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C. Attachment: (1)
Description: Recommendation of the team that conducted interviews on July 26: Carol Ricke, Kevin Ricke, Sherry Verbout and Stacey Warne.
9.8. Elementary Title One Paraprofessional: A motion was made by Member Olson to approve the hire of Sierra Mastrud for school year 2023-2024 as a regular part-time 7.25 paid hours per school day Elementary Title One Paraprofessional contingent upon completion of pre-employment criminal history background check. Pay Scale placement would be Step 4 or $15.55 per hour. The motion seconded by Member VonEnde. Discussion (none);
6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C. Attachment: (1)
Description: Recommendation of the team that conducted interviews on August 10: Mary Langaas, Carol Ricke, Kevin Ricke, Sherry Verbout and Stacey Warne.
9.9. Canine Inspections: A motion was made by Member Dostal to approve the agreement by and between Interquest Detection Canines and Badger School District for the SY2023-2024 as presented/amended. The motion seconded by Member Davy. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C. Attachment: (1)
Description: Please see attached agreement
9.10. Annual Review Policies: A motion was made by Member Dostal to approve the set of listed policies scheduled to be reviewed annually. The motion seconded by Member Olson. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C.
Description: 410 Family and Medical Leave Act (no redline updates);
413 Harassment and Violence (no redline updates);
414 Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse (no redline updates);
415 Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults (no redline updates);
506 Student Discipline (there is a 2023 redline update);
514 Bullying Prohibition Policy (there is a 2023 redline update);
522 Student Sex Nondiscrimination (no redline updates);
524 Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (there is a 2023 redline update);
616 School District System Accountability (there is a 2023 redline update);
806 Crisis Management Policy (there is a 20232 redline update). Attachments: (15)
9.11. Schedule Special Meeting with Closed Session as permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 13D.03, Subdivision 1(b) for Labor Negotiations Strategy: A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve a special meeting with closed session to be held at 5:30 P.M. on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 related to the Dean of Students agreement. The motion seconded by Member VonEnde. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C.
Attachments: (2)
Description: Special meetings need a minimum of seventy-two hour advance public notice announcement.
9.12. Removed and/or Tabled: Approve Revision of Polices: A motion was made by _________ to approve revision of the following listed policies with first-and-final reading as presented/amended. Attachments: (57)
The following MSBA/MASA model policies have been updated to reflect Minnesota laws enacted in 2023.
Because some revisions are effective immediately or in the Summer 2023 – and because the revisions are largely taken word-for-word from 2023 legislation-school boards may choose to adopt changes in a single meeting or as an emergency pursuant to Model Policy 208:
If a policy is modified with minor changes that do not affect the substance of the policy or because of a legal change over which the school board has no control, the modified policy may be approved at one meeting at the discretion of the school board.
This is a local decision for school boards. Whether policy language has been formally adopted, school districts must follow laws related to the policies. The motion seconded by ____________________
Description: Please refer to attachments from MSBA Policy Services
10. Adjourn: Recommended motion: Member Olson moved to adjourn at 9:19 P.M. The motion seconded by Member
VonEnde. Discussion (none); 6-Yes, 0-No vote; U.C. = motion carried unanimously.
Cari Dostal, Clerk
Jamie Isane, Chairperson
Communications/Upcoming Meetings:
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 5:30 PM Special Board Meeting with Closed Session
Wednesday, August 30, 2023 5:30 – 7 PM ‘Meet N Greet’ at Back to School Open House Picnic
Monday, September 11, 2023 6:00 PM Technology Committee Meeting
Monday, September 11, 2023 7:30 PM Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Badger School Board Meeting information can be found online at our website:
Click on “Badger School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes” under the “Helpful Links” menu located on the center of the home page.
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