Minutes of Regular Meeting Board of Education Badger ISD 676/Monday, December 16, 2024 6:00 P.M.
January 13, 2025
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Board of Education Badger ISD 676
PO Box 68, 110 Carpenter Avenue East, Badger, Minnesota 56714
Monday, December 16, 2024 6:00 P.M. in the Business & Tech Room 29
1. Call to Order at 6:00 P.M.
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Roll Call: Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Jeramy Swenson and
Jared VonEnde
1.C. Administration and Department Heads: Daniel Carpenter, Stacey Warne
1.D. Student Representative: Landon Christianson
2. Visitor Recognition
2.A. John Lee, Gretchen Lee, Bethanie VonEnde
2.B. Listening Session
Bethanie VonEnde presented information to the School Board regarding her FCCLA Star Event, “Kindness Rocks”, for this spring.
3. Recommendation to add and/or remove items to the agenda by Board Members or School Administrators - None
4. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Member VonEnde to approve the agenda for the Monday, December 16, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting as presented. The motion seconded by Member Davy. Discussion: None.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 6 Yes to 0 No vote.
5. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
5.A. Approval of Minutes from November 12, 2024, Regular Meeting
A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held on Monday, November 12, 2024, as presented/amended. The motion seconded by Member Olson.
Discussion: None.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 6 Yes to 0 No vote.
5.B. Approval of Amended Minutes from October 14, 2024, Regular Meeting
A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held on October 14, 2024 as amended. The motion was seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion: None.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 6 Yes to 0 No vote.
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Payment of Bills
A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve the payment of bills check #64184 through check #64252 for a total of $61,819.24 as listed as well as approve Purchasing Card electronic payments dated December 5, 2024, and Electronic Fund Transfers as submitted. The motion seconded by Member Olson. Discussion: None.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 6 Yes to 0 No vote.
7. Communications
7.A. Building and Grounds Report
Nothing to present at this meeting.
7.B. Dean of Students Report
Mr. Warne reported on the following items: December K-12 Enrollment is 226 students; Emily Burkel and Tryg Olson have been selected as the 2024-2025 MSHSL ExCel award recipients from Badger; Taylor Davy and Julia Dostal have been selected as the 2024-2025 MSHSL Triple A award recipients from Badger; Several students participated in the MSHSL Vocal and Instrumental Solo Contest on November 13, at Kittson Central HS in Hallock. The following is a list of students who participated and the ratings earned: Caine Larson, Vocal Solo, Excellent Rating; Adysen Gregerson, Vocal Solo, Superior Rating; Hallie Glodowski, Vocal Solo, Superior Rating; Emily Burkel, Vocal Solo, Superior Rating; Paige Rybakowski, Vocal Solo, Superior Rating and a perfect score; Aidan Carpenter, Vocal Solo, Superior Rating, perfect score, and selected as an “Outstanding Vocal Soloist of the Day”; Mackenzie VonEnde, Trumpet Solo, Superior Rating; Taylor Davy, Alto Saxophone Solo, Superior Rating; Aidan Carpenter, Trumpet Solo, Superior Rating.
7.C. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Carpenter reported on the following items: Provisions in the Fair Labor Standards Act increasing the base salary of certain employees that were scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2025, were struck down by a Texas court last month – The district will not need to act on any provisions as the law is no longer in place; Mr. Carpenter reported on attending the MREA Fall Summit November 18 and 19 – attended sessions pertaining to negotiations, finance, and mental health; Mr. Carpenter attended a MASA Budget Roundtable in Erskine on December 12 with area superintendents; Mr. Carpenter will be attending a School Legal Seminar in Bemidji on January 23; Information regarding the new goal for the Comprehensive Achievement and Civic Readiness (CACR) Plan – Mr. Carpenter is exploring the topic of Growth Mindset to address the goal related to fostering lifelong learning; Reported that Seniority List is ready for approval of the school board; Information regarding the need to pass the Resolution Establishing Polling Place on an annual basis; Mr. Carpenter informed the board the final levy certification is on the agenda and e recommends a final certification at the maximum amount of $765,156.28; Ballots given to Board Members to vote for three candidates to fill open seats on the Region 1 Joint Powers Board; There will be a School Board Work Session on December 18th at 5:30 P.M. with representatives from ICS; the Badger Education Association has submitted a letter requesting to be present at the time of health insurance bid opening; The Badger Education Association has submitted a letter informing the District of its right to pursue PEIP, should they choose to do so.
8. Reports
8.A. Accept Cash Report
A motion was made by Member Davy to accept the Cash Report through November 30, 2024, subject to audit. The motion seconded by Member Olson. Discussion: None.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 6 Yes to 0 No vote.
8.B. November Donations
A motion was made by Member Dostal to accept the following donations: $30 to the Badger School Library from Stacey & Heidi Warne In Memory of Annabelle Hinders; $1000 to Badger Drama Club from David Dokken. The motion was seconded by Member Davy. Discussion: None.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 6 Yes to 0 No vote.
9. New Business
9.A. Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Places for Multiple Precincts and Designating
Hours Which Polling Places Will Remain Open for Voting for School District Elections Not Held
on the Day of a Statewide Election
A motion was made by Member Swenson to adopt the Resolution Establishing Polling Places for Multiple Precincts and Designating Hours Which Polling Places Will Remain Open for Voting for School District Elections Not Held on the Day of a Statewide Election. The motion was seconded by Member VonEnde. Discussion: None. Roll Call Vote: Member Davy - Yes; Member Dostal -Yes; Member Isane - Yes; Member Olson - Yes; Member Swenson - Yes; Member VonEnde - Yes.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 6 Yes to 0 No vote. The resolution is adopted.
9.B. Certify Final 2024 Payable 2025 School Tax Levy
A motion was made by Member Olson to approve the certification of the final amount to be levied in 2024 to be collected in 2025 in the amount of $765,156.28, which is the maximum levy limitation amount. The motion was seconded by Dostal. Discussion: None.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 6 Yes to 0 No vote.
9.C. 2023-2024 World’s Best Workforce Report
A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve the 2023-2024 World’s Best Workforce Report for submission to MDE. The motion was seconded by Member Olson. Discussion: None.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 6 Yes to 0 No vote.
9.D. Approve 2024-2025 Teacher Seniority List
A motion was made by Member Davy to approve the 2024-2025 Badger Teacher Seniority List. The motion was seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion: None.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 6 Yes to 0 No vote.
10. Adjourn
A motion was made by Member VonEnde to adjourn the meeting at 6:27 P.M. The motion seconded by Member Dostal.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 6 Yes to 0 No vote.
UPCOMING MEETINGS: January Regular Meeting – Monday, January 6, 2025 at 6:00 P.M.
Cari Dostal, Clerk
Jamie Isane, Chairperson
(January 15, 2025)
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