Minutes of Regular Meeting Board of Education Badger ISD 676 Monday, September 9, 2024

October 21, 2024

Minutes of Regular Meeting
Board of Education Badger ISD 676
PO Box 68, 110 Carpenter Avenue East, Badger, Minnesota 56714
Monday, September 9, 2024 7:30 P.M. in the Business & Tech Room 29
1. Call to Order at 7:35 P.M.
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Roll Call: Present: Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Jeramy Swenson;
Absent: Jared VonEnde
1.C. Administration and Department Heads: Daniel Carpenter, Stacey Warne, Leah Hasson,
2. Visitors in Attendance: Ryan Bergeron, Mike Coltom, Shannon Dostal
2.A. Listening Session – No Participants
3. Recommendation to add and/or remove items to the agenda by Board Members or School Administrators - None
4. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Member Dostal to approve the agenda for the Monday, September 9, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting as presented The motion seconded by Member Davy. Discussion: None
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 5 Yes to 0 No vote.
5. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
5.A. Approval of Minutes from August 12, 2024, Regular Meeting
A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held on Monday, August 12, 2024, as presented/amended. The motion seconded by Member Olson.
Discussion: None. BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 5 Yes to 0 No vote.
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Payment of Bills
A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve the payment of bills check #63950 through check #64002 for a total of $54903.13 as listed as well as approve Purchasing Card electronic payments dated September 5, 2024, and Electronic Fund Transfers as submitted. The motion seconded by Member Isane. Discussion: None. BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 5 Yes to 0 No vote.
6.B. BGMR, BGMR / TC, and BGMR / Northern Freeze Joint Sports Billing:
BGMR Joint Sport Billing for 2023-2024 from GMR to Badger. Wrestling is billed across Badger, GMR, and Tri County cooperative. Track and Field is billed across the BGMR and Northern Freeze cooperatives.
BGMR - Badger owes GMR $60483.76
BGMR/NF (Track and Field) - GMR owes Badger $7822.36
BGMR/TC (Wrestling) - Badger owes GMR $9842.32
A motion was made by Member Davy to accept and approve the Joint Sports Billing from Greenbush Middle River (GMR) to Badger as presented. The motion seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion: None.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 5 Yes to 0 No vote.
7. Communications
7.A. Building and Grounds Report
Mr. Evans has reached out to Central Boiler to fabricate new metal plates for the front sidewalk. They should be completed by next week. Mr. Evans will be contacting Peterson Sheet Metal to repair the welding ventilation hood system in the shop prior to use in 2nd semester. TR Glass will be coming soon to replace the music room fire door.
7.B. Dean of Students Report
Enrollment as of September 9, 2024 is 219 Students in grades K-12. Students in Grades 7-12 will be travelling to Roseau on September 10 for a presentation about mental health awareness and suicide prevention at Roseau School by Emma Benoit. Mr. Warne gave an update on BGMR Fall Activities participation numbers.
7.B.1. Dates of Interest
Gator Athletic Dates can be accessed via the Badger School Webpage; Picture Day – September 11; NHS Blood Drive – September 17th; Badger ECFE 1st Class – September 24th; Quarter 1 Midterm – October 1st; Parent-Teacher Conferences – October 3rd
7.C. Superintendent Report
7.C.1. Updates on Operating Levy Referendum and Building Bond Project
Informational Presentation given to board regarding the operating and building bond referendum
• Upcoming Meetings
• September 10 - Community Action Committee Meeting - 6:30 PM - Cafeteria
• September 16 - Informational Meeting for Public about the Operating Referendum and Building Bond - Ice Cream Social - 6:30 PM - Cafeteria
• Referendum and Building Project Website - betterforbadger.org
• Should be fully functional by September 11
• Badger Fall Fest - an informational table will be set up at the Fire Hall during the Fireman’s Lunch on Saturday, Sept. 21.
7.C.2. Other Items of Interest
The second Ice Cream Social Public meeting will be held on Monday, October 7 at 6:30 P.M. Superintendent Carpenter will contact the City of Badger to give the Referendum presentation at their October 16 Regular Meeting. Superintendent Carpenter will be attending the MREA Fall Conference in Brainerd in November. The gym sound system has been put back into good working order and is fully functional. A new wireless handheld microphone was purchased to be used in the gym for events hosted at the school. A letter was sent home to parents to remind students about the Badger School Cell Phone Policy prior to the start of school this fall.
7.C.3. September is School Board Recognition Month
Board members were presented with Certificates of Appreciation from MSBA.
8. Reports
8.A. Accept Cash Report
A motion was made by Member Swenson to accept the Cash Report through August 31, 2024, subject to audit. The motion seconded by Member Davy. Discussion: None
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 5 Yes to 0 No vote.
8.B. August Donations - No donations in August 2024
9. New Business
9.A. Approve Employment: Elementary Title I Paraprofessional
A motion was made by Member Olson to approve the hire of Kayla Krohn as a regular part-time 7.25 paid hours per school day Elementary Title I Paraprofessional contingent upon completion of pre-employment criminal history background check. Pay Scale placement would be Step 5 ($16.20 per hour). The motion seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion: None
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 5 Yes to 0 No vote.
9.B. Citizens State Bank Certificate of Deposit Renewal
The current CD is for $100,000 at 5.02% for 5 months. The renewal would also be for $100,000.
Rates offered for renewal of the $100,000 CD: 5 Months at 4.95%; 12 Months at 4.75%
A motion was made by Member Dostal to approve renewal of a $100,000 Certificate of Deposit from Citizens State Bank at 12 months at an Interest rate of 4.75%. The motion seconded by Member Swenson. Discussion: Discussion about the current trend of interest rates and the benefit of renewing at a longer term to lock in at a higher rate than may be available in five months.
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 5 Yes to 0 No vote.
9.C. Approve READ Act MOU with BEA
This MOU outlines how compensation will be paid to eligible teachers for training related to provisions of the READ Act outside the contract day.
A motion was made by Member Olson to approve the attached ‘READ Act’ Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Badger Education Association (BEA) of Teachers and Badger Independent School District 676. The motion seconded by Member Davy. Discussion: None
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 5 Yes to 0 No vote.
9.D. Set Special Meeting Date for Review and Comment Hearing and Levy Certification
A motion was made by Member Dostal to schedule a Special School Board Meeting on Monday, September 23, 2024, at 6:30 P.M. The motion seconded by Member Olson. Discussion: None
BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 5 Yes to 0 No vote.
10. Adjourn
A motion was made by Member Swenson to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 PM. The motion seconded by Member Davy. BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries by a 5 Yes to 0 No vote.
Cari Dostal, Clerk 
Jamie Isane, Chairperson
(October 23, 2024)