Board of Education Badger ISD 676/Regular Meeting Monday, May 13, 2024

June 17, 2024

Minutes of Regular Meeting

Board of Education Badger ISD 676

PO Box 68, 110 Carpenter Avenue East, Badger, Minnesota 56714

Regular Meeting

Monday, May 13, 2024 7:30 PM in the Business & Tech Room 29

Badger School Board Meeting information can be found online at our website:

Click on “Badger School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes” under “Helpful Links” menu on the center of the home page.

1. Call to Order at 7:32 P.M.

1.1. Pledge of Allegiance

1.2. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Jeramy Swenson, Jared VonEnde.

5 out of 6 in attendance; Brent Olson absent

Student (non-voting) Representative: Open for SY2023-24

1.3. Administration and Department Heads: Kevin Ricke, Stacey Warne, Leah Hasson, Ben Evans

2. Visitor Comments – None

Visitors Present in Attendance (alphabetical order): Dan Carpenter, Becky Dahlgren, Carly Mekash

1.4. Listening Session – None

3. Recommendation to add and/or to remove items to the agenda from Board Members or School Administrators

Add 9.7. Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Badger Education Association (BEA) of Teachers and Badger Independent School District 676.

4. Approval of Agenda

a. A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve the agenda for the Monday, May 13, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting as amended. The motion seconded by Member VonEnde. Discussion (none); 5-Yes, 0-No vote, 1-Absent;

BE IT RESOLVED M.C. = the motion carried.

5. Minutes

5.1. A motion was made by Member Davy to approve the minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, April 8, 2024 as presented. The motion seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion (none); 5-Yes, 0-No vote,

1-Absent; BE IT RESOLVED M.C. Attachments: (2)

5.2. A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve the minutes of the Special School Board Meeting for Superintendent and Principal K-12 Positions(s) Contract Approval held on Thursday, April 18, 2024 as presented. The motion seconded by Member VonEnde. Discussion (none); 5-Yes, 0-No vote, 1-Absent;

BE IT RESOLVED M.C. Attachment: (1)

5.3. A motion was made by Member Davy to approve the minutes of the Special School Board Meeting for a Certified Staff (Math Teacher) Contract Approval held on Monday, May 6, 2024 as presented. The motion seconded by Member VonEnde. Discussion (none); 5-Yes, 0-No vote, 1-Absent; BE IT RESOLVED M.C.

Attachment: (1)

6. Consent Agenda

6.1. Pay Bills: A motion was made by Member VonEnde to approve the payment of bills check #63664 through check #63732 for a total of $102,926.45 as listed as well as approve Purchasing Card electronic payments dated May 3, 2024 and Electronic Fund Transfers as submitted. The motion seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion (none); 5-Yes, 0-No vote, 1-Absent; BE IT RESOLVED M.C. Attachments: (8)

7. Communications

7.1. Building and Grounds Report

Exploring a replacement lawnmower. Preference would be a 54-inch deck zero turn lawnmower.

In-Person Handouts: Five price quotes attached Attachments: (2)

* Authorized Head of Building & Grounds to prepare order if described Altoz 540XPHD available for $6,600 *

In-Person Handouts: Quotes for professional application of high performance tile and grout restoration coating

** Authorized Head of Building & Grounds to out-source to professional service do the Kitchen dishwash area plus 3 walls up 4 feet on the wall. Estimate is $1,375 **

*** Authorized Head of Building & Grounds to out-source to professional to have the High School Boy’ and Girl’s restrooms plus the wash area between restrooms coated. Estimate is $2,050 **

7.2. Superintendent

7.2.a. Miscellaneous Items to Report by Superintendent

7.3. Dean of Students

7.3.a. Badger High School had two vocal ensembles perform for the MSHSL Sub-Section 32 Music Contest judges under the direction of Choir Director Sara Carpenter.

Vocalists Paige Rybakowski, Alex Lunde, and Hallie Glodowski performed the Soprano-Alto-Baritone (SAB) arrangement of “Can’t Help Falling in Love” arranged by Mark Brymer. They earned a Superior Rating score of 37 out of 40.

Vocalists Emily Burkel, Adysen Gregerson, and Hallie Glodowski performed the Soprano-Soprano-Alto (SSA) arrangement of “Whispering Pine” by Eugene Butler. They earned a Superior Rating score of 38 out of 40.

7.3.b. Badger High School Envirothon Team Advances to State! The state level competition will be held at the Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center in Finland, MN on Monday, May 20.

Best wishes to the team of Jordan Davy, Julia Dostal, Ada Lee, Jordan Lee, Amelia Wilt, Sam Aarhus, Landon Christianson, Paige Rybakowski, and Greta Wojciechowski. The team is coached by Shannon Dostal.

Badger advanced out of the regional which was held at Lake Bronson State Park on May 1. For the competition, our students prepared a presentation on sustainable energy in Minnesota. In addition to their presentation, they participated in five stations answering general knowledge questions about wildlife, aquatics, forestry, soils, and current ecological events. Our team earned second place, missing first by just one tie-breaker procedure point!

7.3.c. Student Enrollment at the start of May Attachment: (1)

7.3.d. Spring Sport Participation Count Attachment: (1)

7.3.e. Spring Sports Post-Season Tournament Dates Attachment: (1)

7.3.f. Upcoming Dates of Interest Attachment: (1)

8. Reports

8.1. Accept Cash Report: A motion was made by Member Swenson to Accept the Cash Report through April 30, 2024 subject to audit. The motion seconded by Member Davy. Discussion (none); 5-Yes, 0-No vote, 1-Absent;

BE IT RESOLVED M.C. Attachment: (1)

8.2. Accept April Donations (THANK YOU): A motion was made by Member VonEnde to accept the donations listed below. The motion seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion (none); 5-Yes, 0-No vote, 1-Absent;

BE IT RESOLVED M.C. Attachment: (1)

Donations: $200 to Music from Jim Christianson

$100 to Music from Mark, Renee and Katie Rhen

$500 to VEX (Industrial Arts Dept.) Robotics from Northwest MN Manufacturing Assoc.

8.3. Report of Meet & Confer topics from the meeting held with Badger Education Association of Teachers on Wed., April 24 at 3:30 p.m. Carpet/flooring in both the Music Room and Kindergarten Room overdue for updating; condition may be contributing to air-quality (dampness) concerns.

9. Proposed Resolutions

9.1. Designation of IOwA Resolution for MDE: A motion was made by Member Swenson to adopt the resolution authorizing Daniel Carpenter to act as the Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) and Leah Hasson to act as the IOwA to add and remove names only for Badger Public School District 0676-01 for the MDE External Access Recertification System beginning July 1, 2024. The motions seconded by Member Dostal.

Yes Roll Call Vote: Yes=Member Davy, Yes=Member Dostal, Yes=Member Isane,

Yes=Member Swenson and Yes=Member VonEnde

No Roll Call Vote: No=None; 1 Absent=Member Olson

The recorded vote is 5-Yes, 0-No and 1-Absent; BE IT RESOLVED M.C. Attachment: (1)

Description: The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) requires that school districts annually

designate an Identified Official with Authority.

9.2. BoardBook Premier Meeting Management System Tier 2 Phase-In: A motion was made by Member Dostal to approve the BoardBook Premier Tier 2 three-year phase-in subscription agreement through the Minnesota School Boards Association. The motion seconded by Member Swenson. Discussion (cost, less expensive alternatives, disadvantages, advantages); 5-Yes, 0-No vote, 1-Absent; BE IT RESOLVED M.C.

Description: The current Tier 1 BoardBook Premier Meeting Management System is being retired and is no longer available. MSBA negotiated a phase-in agreement with BoardBook to soften the budget impact over a three-year period due to discontinuing the Tier 1 option.

$2,700 for SY2024-2025; $2,950 for SY2025-2026 and $3,100 for SY2026-2027

Attachments: (3)

9.3. Interquest Detection Canines: A motion was made by Member Davy to approve four contraband half-day inspections at $440 per half-day visit. The motion seconded by Member Dostal. Discussion (how does fee structure and frequency of inspections compared to previous year’s agreement?); 5-Yes, 0-No vote, 1-Absent;

BE IT RESOLVED M.C. Attachment: (1)

Description: Please refer to the attached agreement for SY2024-2025

$1,760 = 4 canine inspections x $440 per half-day visit

9.4. Candidates for Graduation: A motion was made by Member Dostal to approve candidates for graduation. The motion seconded by Member Isane. Discussion (none); 5-Yes, 0-No vote, 1-Absent; BE IT RESOLVED M.C.

Description: Diploma signatures May 17, 2024. The Board Clerk, the Board Chair and the Principal/Superintendent sign upon verification of 30 completed credits (including all required courses in the correct categories).

9.5. Request for Funding for National FCCLA Competition: A motion was made by Member Swenson to approve funding not to exceed $6,500 based on receipt for attending the National FCCLA Competition June 27-July 4, 2024 in Seattle, Washington. The motion seconded by Member VonEnde. Discussion (none); 5-Yes, 0-No vote,

1-Absent; BE IT RESOLVED M.C. Attachment: (1)

Description: The request amount for consideration is $6,500 out of the $12,210 estimated grand total for Travel (i.e., mileage, airfare, hotel, meals and registration) for 2 Adults + 4 Students

9.6. Resolution for MSHSL Membership Renewal for SY2024-2025: A motion was made by Member Swenson, that, BE

IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Badger Independent School District Number 676, County of Roseau, State of Minnesota authorizes membership in the Minnesota State High School League and delegates the control, supervision and regulation of interscholastic athletic and fine arts events (referred to in MN Statutes, Section 128C.01) to the Minnesota State High School League, and so hereby certifies to the State Commissioner of Education as provided for by Minnesota Statutes.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that Badger High School is authorized by the Board of Education of Badger Independent School District Number 676 to:

1. Renew its membership in the Minnesota State High School League; and,

2. Participate in the approved interschool activities sponsored by said League and its various subdivisions.

The motion was seconded by Member Davy.

Yes Roll Call Vote: Yes=Member Davy, Yes=Member Dostal, Yes=Member Isane, Yes=Member Swenson and Yes=Member VonEnde

No Roll Call Vote: No=None; 1 Absent=Member Olson

The recorded vote is 5-Yes, 0-No and 1-Absent; BE IT RESOLVED M.C.

9.7. ESST MOU with BEA: A motion was made by Member Dostal to approve the attached ‘Earned Sick and Safe Time’ (ESST) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Badger Education Association (BEA) of Teachers and Badger Independent School District 676. The motion seconded by Member VonEnde. Discussion (none);

5-Yes, 0-No vote, 1-Absent; BE IT RESOLVED M.C. Attachment: (1)

Description: This MOU does not alter any of the current Badger ISD 676 employment agreements

regarding Paid Time Off (PTO).

At the January 8, 2024 Regular Badger School Board Meeting the agenda item 7.4 approved a conversion chart tracking the New Minnesota ESST law in hours rather than days. Currently Badger ISD employee leave requests are for either a full-day PTO or a half-day PTO.

This MOU requests that the BEA stands ready to meet when necessary if any potential PTO or ESST transition issues need to be addressed anytime during this current 2023-25 collective bargaining agreement.

10. Adjourn: Recommended motion: Member Swenson moved to adjourn at 8:33 P.M. The motion seconded by Member VonEnde. Discussion (none); 5-Yes, 0-No vote, 1-Absent; BE IT RESOLVED M.C. = the motion carried.

Cari Dostal, Clerk Jamie Isane, Chairperson

Badger School Board Meeting information can be found online at our website:

Click on “Badger School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes” under “Helpful Links” menu located on the center of the home page.

(June 20, 2024)